You blew my mind away Nice! I´m totally in love with you and
I´m definitely coming back again!
I´m gonna be honest with you, before I went to Nice I heard a lot of negativity about Nice and France from a lot of people. So I wasn´t really sure if I wanted to go. People said that it was crazy expansive, that the service was really bad, people was not friendly or helpful and they don´t like people who can´t speak french...
Well let me say like this, if you ever heard anyone say anything like that about Nice I want you to forget all about it right away!

Nothing I´ve heard about Nice before my trip was true. Maybe it´s been like that earlier, back in the days, but not now, not even a little bit! I can honestly say that we experienced that we got about the best service ever. From the moment we arrived at the airport, the taxi drive, at the hotel, at restaurants, talking to people who where born and raised in Nice, during our guided tour, everywhere and all the time people where super friendly and more than happy to help. Most people spoke really good english and those who didn´t always did their best to help anyway. About prices I would say it´s kind of the same like back home in Sweden. You can choose cheaper alternatives or more expensive ones, it´s up to you depending on your budget. My recommendations for transportation is either uber or biketaxi. Perfect way to meet locals and get some inside tip about what to see and do plus it´s cheap.
Nice is amazing city, the perfect weekend trip, super romantic! High season is during July and August and during this time there will be crazy much tourists. We went in Oktober, we had like 25 celcius in the air and 21 in the ocean, we got to have parts of the beach all to our selfs, we never had to wait in line and hotels are a bit cheaper, so I would recommend you to go after high season :)