During our stay in Denmark we checked in at Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center and I can truly recommend this hotel if you´re visiting Copenhagen. Especially if you´re coming by car, they have a big garage whwre you can park you´re car safely! One other thing I recommend you to do if you choose to stay here is that you book an executive room. Then You´ll get access to there executive lounge where they serve snacks, some food and bear and wine. You also get to eat you´re breakfast here which I really enjoyed! A relaxed area with a nice view and the breakfast was soooo good!!!

So happy we made this stop in Copenhagen - Denmark!
I´ve been to Denmark several times before but never really fallen in love with "it"... This time something totally changed for me! Even though we arrived to some bad weather and didn´t really have any plans I ended up longing to my next trip back to Denmark! :) As we had to leave to contiune our road trip we both said that we HAVE to come back here soon!!! :))
So what was it that made us fall in love with Denmark this time? Well I´m not sure, I can´t point at one special thing or moment, it was just our overall experience and the feeling of beeing in the moment. The people we met where so kind and open and the next day we woke up to some really great weather and got the chance to explore Copenhagen and eat some Danish sausage :) Having a Danish sausage is a BIG must have if you´re visiting Denmark!!! :D