OMG! The day is finally here when I get to tell you about my new motorcycle that I just picked up! :D I guess nobody will be supprised when I tell you it´s one more KTM, I mean that´s the only brand for me, you know that!
The bike I picked up today have been on my wishlist for soooo long! It´s literally one of my dream bikes! So can I have like a drum solo when I tell you what bike I got?!?!? :P
Hold your horses becuase here it comes.... I picked up a brand new KTM 1290 Super Duke R -22 :D Are you as excited as I am??? :P

Look at this beauty! I´m speechless!!! It´s a dream come true to me! Can´t wait to explore Spain from this BEAST!
Until next time, take care of you, talk to you soon! <3
XoX0/ Jennie