2018 was a pretty good travel year, me and Gustav visited 9 contries together (10 if we count Sweden where we live). We began the year with a trip to Dominican Republic and then we continued with Mauritius, Greece, Norway, the Czech Republic, France, Monaco, USA and Indonesia.

This year we have decided to do a lot of weekend trips until october, then we´re planning a longer tripl at least 4 weeks but maybe longer... We are currently tryng to decide what contries we gonna visit during our weekend trips, and so far we have booked Italy - Venice & Netherlands - Amsterdam. We have decided to visit Iceland, Ireland, England, Malta, Portugal and Hungary as well and we are currently looking on flights and hotels for those destinations. I´m also thinking about Dubai and Albania...
For our longer trip after October we have not decided yet... I wanna go to so many places at the same time haha... I want to go to South Africa, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Aruba, Bahamas, Hawaii, Fiji, Bora Bora, Australia and Maldives... But the time will not be enough for all of those places at the same time, so I guess I have some hard decisions to make ;P
If you have any travel suggestions or ideas, dont hesitate to tell me :) <3