World Adventure Week - Day 1
Have you heard about World Adventure Week, also called WAW? It´s a week full of bike riding with daily missions to complete, all set up by KTM. It started last hyear but I could not participate then... However this year I had marked the dates in my calender so I´m more then ready now! :D
The main goal with this week is to fulfill 1000 km with your motorcycle and on top of that there will be a daily mission every day.
Like today, day 1, the mission is to go out there and simply ride, enjoy a bike trip and post it on any social media. (You know me, I´ll post it everywhere haha, here, instagram, facebook and so on...)
I made up a route for todays ride that ended up being around 210 km. I drove from Fuengirola to Nerja (To a special viewpoint that I visited before by car and that I liked very much). Had a little photoshoot before I drove back home again :)

For tomorrow the mission is to ride through 890 m altitude. I´ve been searching through Google Earth and found a mountain I´m gonna climb with the 1290 Super Duke R, hopefully I´ll get the altitude nedded for tomorrows mission :) Cross your fingers for my, will you? <3
Keep it up, talk more tomorrow <3
XoXo/ Jennie