
Say hello to my new favorite country, Montenegro! WOW! Can´t believe we did not plan to make a overnight stop here at first, can´t imagine missing out on this place!
It was actually Gustav who suggested that we would make this stop. As I mentioned it was not planned from the beginning, but in the last second he asked if we should not make a stop there as well, at least for one night. We ended up staying 3 nights and really wanted to stay longer. But we had to leave to continue over road trip as we by now actually been away for as long as the whole trip was planned to be from the beginning haha :P And yes, if you´re wondering we have about 1 week left at least before we will be back home :P
But thats what I love with this trip, the opportunity to go with the flow, follow our heart and do it any way we like. And I mean, it´s a good thing we been away longer than expected, it means we´re having a great time enjoying ourself and the places we are visiting :)

However, lets get back to Montenegro, my new favorite country. It´s almost that I don´t want to tell you about it, I kind of want to keep it for myself... :) It´s sad when places get to crowded and looses it´s charm... But I just have to tell you about this place! I mean from the second we passed the boarder and entered Montenegro we both looked at eachother, I´m sure we felt the same way, wow it was beautiful!
It´s strange how 2 places can look so different to eachother when all that is keeping them apart is the boarder, but that was really the case when we went from Albania to Montenegro. And I don´t want to give you the feeling that we did not like Albania now, because we really did like that as well! But Montengero, it just was something extra, like really really EXTRA!
The nature is spectacular, and it´s so clean everywhere. And I don´t know how to explain, but in some way there´s this really nice atmosphere, it´s like so calm but not boring. Sure, it´s a bit more expensive than Albania, but compared to Croatia it´s MUCH cheaper and people are so welcoming! <3
I will tell you so much more when I write my review about Montengero when we get back home. You will get my best tips and of course a review about the hotel we choosed, Casa Del Mare Boutique Hotel - Mediterraneo in Boka Bay. The hotel is newly renowated and opened just 5 days before we arrived. It´s a 5 star hotel with the best breakfast I ever tasted and they have this cute private little beach where we loved spending our days in the sun.... Oooooh I so don´t want to leave this place!!! But you know the way it is, we have to continue but hopefully we will get the chance to visit Montengero soon again because WOW I LOVE this place!!!