MX Dubai
If you love riding dirtbikes you need to visit Dubai! Riding dirtbikes in the desert, among the Camels, in the heat, with just sand sand sand everywhere was for sure an experience! Book a guide and rent some bikes and just spend a whole day in the desert, you will not regret it!

I went to Dubai with my friend Sara, our trip was all about riding bikes! So we booked a cheap hotel since we had no plans on staying there anyway, all we wanted to do was to ride bikes! In Dubai you have several companys that you can book a tour guide and rent bikes from. We rented through MX Dubaii, a rental Company that have dirtbikes, 4 Wheelers and UTV.

We spent 5 whole days out in the desert, riding bikes from early morning until bed time. We brought our own mx gear but if you want you can rent it were you rent your bike. A must have is a water back pack (these you get to borrow if you don´t have your own), drinking as much water as possible is my best tip, out in the desert you have nothing that will protect you from the sun, and trust me it will get HOT!
Have respect for how the sun affects us, it´s easy to do stupid stuff if the head gets to warm and you don´t drink enough water. Stay smart and have fun :)

I really want to come back to Dubai for some more desert riding. But next time I want to try out some other stuff as well, like driving the RZR through the desert :))

"Riding in heavy sand with the hot sun over your shoulder all day can be hard on both body & mind, don´t forget to drink a LOT of water"