"A girl from Sweden, currently in Spain"
Travel the world
I guess I´ve always had a big passion for traveling, but it grew extra BIG when I started riding dirtbikes. I wanted to explore new places with my bike and suddenly Sweden wasn´t big enough for me.
Today I love to travel and explore the world and it makes me extra happy if there´s some kind of action, adventure & adrenaline involved.

Just go for it!
I´ve always loved to inspire & motivate others to try new stuff & follow their dreams. So it makes me extra happy when I get to do that through my own passion for travel and action-sports.

Triple A lifestyle
When people ask me to describe myself I like to simply say that I live for the "Triple A lifestyle" -Action, -Adventures & -Adrenaline. I can´t help it, but I just love to do stuff, try new things and challenge myself.

Send me an invite
I´m Always on the hunt for new places to explore, no adventure are to big or small. If you want a visit from me please click the link below & send me an invite :)